Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Brunches, Bazaars, and The Blonde Theory

So what have I been up to? (Why, thanks for asking.) Well, I've been enjoying my vacation, that's for sure. I'm not going anywhere, but I've been hanging out at home with my family. We've done brunches, bazaars, golfing, and fun stuff like that.

I've read two books since yesterday (Elegance and The Blonde Theory), both of which were pretty good.

And we watched this really really sad Mexican movie (con subtitulos en ingles) about illegal immigrants. Ok, so it doesn't sound very sad; but the little 9-year-old boy gets separated from his mom, and his grandma dies, and his dad who he never met meets him then stands him up, and his only friend gets arrested by La Migra (the INS).
I'm a big movie crier. I've even cried while watching Full House (don't hold it against me: Michelle's grandpa was going to be her show-and-tell and visit her school, but he dies. You'd have cried, too). So I cried like on six seperate occasions while watching La Misma Luna.

Well, whatever. Point is, I've been having a good time. How 'bout you?

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